Blog · Journal · KNiT

It’s a Mystery!

Anyone have a history of joining the knitters’ parade of MKALs and not completing the mystery FO?

To quote Marshall McLuhan, “We look at the present through a rear view mirror.”

I’ve just started looking at the art of  affirmations.
• I am grateful for my past as it brought me to the present.

A last minute decision to join @feller.carol MKAL Grainchloch Shawl. Factor in that  Vivacious 4ply is my stash and an online purchase for some luxurious fluff, Manos del Uruguay Cabrito in Tiza and Sea Salt.

There’s great community support and plenty of Knitworking opportunities on the Stolen Stitches Knit Hub.

I’ve got this.

Blog · KNiT

World Wide Knit in Public Day

Saturday 10th June 2023 is World Wide Knit in Public Day.

It’s the one day every year knitters celebrate the passion for knitting with fellow knitters around the world.

Since 2005, knitters world wide celebrate knitting in public and share each others company – or meet new knitters in your local area.

You can be a beginner or maybe you have been knitting for years – everybody is welcome!

This year, I’ve organised an outdoor knit social in Dublin’s Iveagh Gardens on Saturday 10 June 2023. Spend the afternoon (1pm to 4pm) knitworking with knitters, crocheters and stitchers on World Wide Knit in Public Day!

Journal · KNiT · Notes on

Notes on Ready Set Socks

**Disclaimer** I personally purchased this book. I am not affliated with the author, publisher or yarnshop. This is not a sponsored post.

I love knitting and wearing handknit socks.

Sanita Clogs with Rose City Roller Socks

There is nothing like a handkinit pair of socks, made with a special skein of 4 ply/sock yarn.

When I heard that my LYS were taking pre-orders for Ready Set Socks by Rachel Coopey, I jumped outta my shoes and submitted my order.

I received the book over the weekend and here are my general impressions.

I really like the general layout of the book, which is geared for knitters who want to be Sock Knitters.

Starting off by choosing the knitting needles and yarn, then straight into the nitty gritty of top down sock basics.

I like the way the book is written and the typeface/font is easy to read.

There are 10 top down sock pattern which range from simple to interestingly challenging for Sock Knitters at any level.

There are tutorials on the variations in the cuffs and heels which appealed to my sense of adventure.

At this time, not one particular pattern is calling out to me. However, I do like that there is a hashtag for each sock. So,when I do get the inspirational urge, I can look thru these hashtags on Instagram.

Overall, Pompom published a good all in one book for Sock Knitters and any knitter who is curious about the cuff down sock knitting experience.

My own personal notes:

  • this was an impulse buy on pre-order, if I actually got to peruse thru the book first would I buy it? No
  • on a positive note, I purchased it from my LYS to support the local economy and received more loyalty tokens
Journal · KNiT

Knitter on Tour

It was a pleasure to catch up with friends during a “stopover” in Cork City on our way to Kinsale.

My glowing smile says it all! I am so grateful for a friend like Evin. She has been my virtual and personal tour guide during my 24 hour visit.

We squeezed in a quick visit to see Carol Feller and real life shopping experience at the Stolen Stitches Studio since I’m use to shopping online from Dublin.

I brought home two skeins of Blasta Light to make a couple pairs of Coill, a new mitten pattern by Eimear Earley. Now this doesn’t count as stash because it was a planned purchase, right?

Diane & Carol

Onto Kinsale, where I discovered the LYS Vivi Trading Co., where Rowan yarns adorn the shelves of this Yarn Shop.

Kidsilk Haze is my weakness

I made some new knitting friends … friendly and knitting expert Claire

and new knitter, Aileen who was making an amazing wrap in moss stitch!

I had the pleasure of joining the local knitting group, check out my IG LIve from the shop!

The best for last photo of the trip is with fellow Dublin Knitter, Deirdre who I literally bumped into at our hotel before heading back to Dublin.

Journal · KNiT

Socktober is Here!

Hello! It’s Socktober, the month when when I like to splash my social media feed with my favourite item to knit, SOCKS!

Every Saturday in October, I’ll have a new blogpost about handknit socks.

Yarn: Patons Regia
Shoes:Sanita Clogs

Why knit socks?

PORTABILITY: They are the perfect size for a travelling project. I can easily put it in a small project bag and carry it around from one knitting group to another. I like using a Japanese Knot Bag. It has one long hand that you slip thru a longer one which now becomes a wristlet to tote my sock project around.

Japanese Knot Bag available in my online Ko-Fi Shop

What sock am I knitting right now?

I’m hosting the 52 Weeks of Socks KAL until the end of the month. Knitters who are knitting along, have chosen a pattern based on the week their birthday falls on. Then knit the pattern that corresponds with the number from the book 52 Weeks of Socks published by Laine.

My birthday falls on week 7 the year I was born, so I’m knitting Rocking Chair.

If you have or can get hold of the book, join the Dublin Knitwork KAL until the end of the month.

Happy Knitting,
